Wednesday 22 October 2014

Getting closer... we sold the tv! And the car!

I was so excited when we sold the tv, dvd, set top box & surround sound!  The lady came to pick them up yesterday, and they only depreciated by 90% in 6 years! :P

It was pretty exciting to think we'll be without one actually.  We stopped watching it a while ago anyway and only watched dvds as it was, which we can now watch on the computer which is now sitting on our tv unit as we also sold our desk and chair! :D

We are only without a screen for one day though, as today we pick up our new car!!  Woohooo!!!  It has a screen for the kids to watch dvds, however we have made it very clear it will only be used on long trips.  So as soon as Tony gets home with the car we plan on going on a long trip, just for the fun of it!

We had to buy Amelia a new car seat as she is 6yo tomorrow and growing out of her old one, and we want her to stay harnessed for as long as possible.  The new Infasecure Evolve seat means she can stay harnessed until she is 8yo.  It has aqua padding and looks rather fancy for a car seat!  Oliver is moving up into Amelia's old seat and Luca will hopefully move into a new type A4 seat, that allows for extended rearward facing until the age of 2-3yo.  We are off to the babies & children expo this weekend to try to grab some special expo offers!

I drove our Mercedes R320 home from swimming yesterday, my last drive in a luxury car for quite some time.  It has been fun, but our new car is much more suited to us & to our adventures in the near future!  I never would have imagined I'd be more excited to be getting our Isuzu MUX 7-seater 4wd, than our Mercedes R320 6-seater SUV!  But I can't wait!!!!

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