Sunday 19 October 2014

Celebrations for miss Amelia's 6th birthday!

With four more sleeps until her actual birthday, we celebrated slightly early with friends by going to the Dreamworks Exhibition at Federation Square in the city today. 
They all had such a great day & the weather was beautiful!

We got to watch a helicopter land on the helipad on our way to fed square. 

Everyone enjoyed the dragon flight so much we watched it twice! With the semicircular screen it was incredibly real and a few of us (adults) came out feeling a little nauseous...

Thankfully the 6 of us adults managed to keep a regular head count of 9 children in party hats! It did make it easier that at this age they mostly preferred to stay together though ..except the escapee 18mo that is! 

All in all a wonderful day of birthday celebration! 

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