Tuesday 18 November 2014

Breastfeeding our 19mo prevented a potential tragedy!

Not the start we had anticipated in our first night in our caravan...
Whilst putting the children to bed I noticed that the brackets for the middle bunk above Luca and I weren't screwed in and were bending with the best part of 20kg of Oliver (our 4yo) on it, despite it being rated to 70kg! After immediately calling Tony & getting Oliver off the bed before Luca and I got crushed, we set up the dinette bed for him to sleep on. 
I didn't get to sleep until close to 1am, I think awake with the adrenalin of considering that had I not climbed in that bottom bunk and seen the potential catastrophe, that Luca could have been killed had the bunk fallen on top of him! It is a parent's instinct to protect their children and I was so angry and upset about the situation! 
But ultimately I have to look at the positive and nobody was hurt. Yes, the work done to install the bunk should never have been slapped together like that, but there is a reason I am still breastfeeding our 19mo to sleep! ..ultimately it might have saved his life or prevented critical injuries!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Kate! That must've been very scary :( Glad you're all good and on the beginnings of your adventure x
